The Caloosa Gyro Club is a Friendship Association whose main purpose is to socialize and have fun with friends and neighbors. We meet for a men’s lunch on a regular basis and each month have a couples social. It is all about FUN, so there are no set rules that you have attend every lunch or social, but we are certain that once you have been to one of our functions, you will want to go to more of them.

    Around 50% of our membership are “Snowbirds” so the winter and spring seasons are when the most activities take place, but the club is still very active during the summer months. During the winter season we meet for lunch two times per month and have a Couples social once per month.

    Our club is part of an international association named Gyro International, which has 67 associated clubs, all of whom have the same purpose of providing a platform for meeting and having fun with like-minded individuals.

    For more details on Gyro International, it’s structure and the history of our club, just click on the relevant tabs.  

“The glory of friendship is not the outstretched hand, nor the kindly smile, nor the joy of companionship, it is the spiritual inspiration that comes to one when he discovers that someone else believes in him and is willing to trust him with friendship.”

Ralph Waldo Emerson67